The GLOCAL COMELA 2021 (SCOPUS / ISI indexed), The GLOCAL Conference on Mediterranean and European Linguistic Anthropology 2021, hosted by SOAS University of London, which will be held on July 21-24, 2021 at The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, is the annual conference / workshops and lectures on the Linguistic Anthropology, The Sociolinguistics, and the Language and Society, of Europe and The Mediterranean. The GLOCAL COMELA 2021 Theme is ‘Bounded Languages … Unbounded’. Keynote: Jan Blommaert (Tilburg University), Alexandra Georgakopoulou (Kings College London), Dimitris Dalakoglou (Vrije University). The GLOCAL COMELA 2021 invites work on the shifting boundedness of Language Communities of The Mediterranean and Europe. Submissions should acknowledge and describe processes of language shape, change, and ideology, pertinent to social, cultural, and political histories and futures, of Mediterranean and European regions, or work by those working in Mediterranean and European regions. Abstract Submission deadline: March 10, 2021. For more details: . All papers accepted to the Proceedings will be SCOPUS/ISI indexed.



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